Day to Day Adventures


Finished Project: Strawberry Plants in Square Foot Gardens

GardenKim Brush1 Comment

The weather is warming up, we are finishing up our school year and spending more and more time working on our garden plan for 2015!  Now if it would just stop raining for a week or so that would be amazing!

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Strawberry Beds in the Orchard

I was in the right place at the right time.  I stopped at the Amish salvage store and they had LOTS of beautiful strawberry plants for sale!

I was in the right place at the right time.  I stopped at the Amish salvage store and they had LOTS of beautiful strawberry plants for sale!

Before it got too soggy, Steve had the beds built and we got the Square Food Garden dirt mixed.  All that was left was to find a way to keep the dogs out & the weeds to a minimum.  It all came together very nicely! 

Bear.  He's my tag along helper.  He follows me everywhere.

Bear.  He's my tag along helper.  He follows me everywhere.

Cardboard and grass clippings to battle the weeds.

Cardboard and grass clippings to battle the weeds.

A LOT of grass clippings

A LOT of grass clippings

Reinforced mesh.  Hubby says it's cheap and it will keep the dogs out.

Reinforced mesh.  Hubby says it's cheap and it will keep the dogs out.

Done!  Now to get the plants in the ground!

Done!  Now to get the plants in the ground!

We spent a whole afternoon getting the dirt mixed and then putting up the fence.  Joshua was a HUGE help to his dad!  We used half a cattle panel as our gate.  It is wired to one side and has a hook on the other side to keep it closed. 

Unfortunately it blew over in the night since we didn't have it wired up yet.  The dogs definitely need to be blocked out of our gardens.  I was seriously unhappy with them the next morning but it could have been much worse!

Dark picture but this is from the dogs digging and nosing around.

Dark picture but this is from the dogs digging and nosing around.

Smoothed and ready to plant

Smoothed and ready to plant

Need some beds?  Square Foot gardens do a great job in creating strawberry beds -
ripe strawberry

We really don't want to mow around these beds so we are using hay to mulch the paths.  The bales of hay on the garden are really coming in handy!

strawberry square foot garden bed

We are using the wheelbarrow to slowly move more hay to cover the paths.  Needless to say this is itchy & hot work.  We do a couple of loads a day when we need a break from other tasks. 


This bale had been "peeled" enough that we were able to roll it from one side of the garden all the way to the other side of the house.  

That's a long, long way. 

That's the kids story anyway. 

We did it and everyone survived.

Using the hay as mulch is a great way to use up kid energy, build memories & help them to grow stronger in body & character. 

moving hay bale

So half of our Square Foot Gardens are now filled.  I am thrilled to have that part of the work done!  Everyone else cannot wait to taste those strawberries in future years!!

Hay mulch 8-10 inches thick around the beds.  Raspberry plants sticking up out of hay too!

Hay mulch 8-10 inches thick around the beds.  Raspberry plants sticking up out of hay too!

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Hay on the Garden

GardenKim Brush5 Comments

It has baffled me how we were going to keep up with the weeding at our new house. I did fine on our little garden because all I did was cover our path's with our grass clippings and maybe some newspaper.  Could we do that with our new big garden?

Have you tried Deep Mulch aka Ruth Stout method gardening with straw or hay? We are trying it out this year!


GardenKim BrushComment

I've never grown tulips.  I WILL be planting more of these.  So cheerful and happy!


Blooming Apple & Peach Trees

GardenKim Brush1 Comment

All the trees are blooming.  God's showing off his creativity.  I love it!


Apple blossoms


We had crazy amounts of apples blooms last year.  This year?  Not so much.  Guess its a good thing I made LOTS of apple sauce & apple butter last year.

Surely with all these peach blooms there will be peaches this year.  None for the last two years.  Much sadness.  Many of the trees on our little home place have been neglected for several years.  Much pruning needs to be done.  The peach tree is about half dead.  This year it may come down.  

peach tree blooms

We planted a few new trees and they survived!

I can't wait until we get back from Bible Quizzing Nationals to start working in the garden & flower beds.

Of course God is keeping our yard beautiful . . . . .


Here are some past garden posts that you might have missed.

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