Day to Day Adventures

10 days of real life lessons not learned in school

HomeschoolKim Brush5 Comments

I'm resisting thinking about August but it is coming faster than I want it to. 

I'm not ready for my daughter to go away to college.  What have I not taught her?  Here's a list of 10 life lessons we are covering this month!  It's all part of the 10 Day Tips Series for for Homeschool Moms! -

I want my children prepared!

My daughter is headed to college two hours away and all I can think about is

"Did I prepare adequately her for this?"

Sadly the answer is "probably not."

So in July I will be doing a 10 days series about REAL LIFE lessons NOT taught in school. 

School is good but we need more!

Many of the posts will come right from the concerns that I have about my daughter leaving home.  I will be talking to her about these thing in July and making sure that she knows more than she does now.

Wonderful resources for Moms and others

For 14 years I've worked with teens plus I've had a teen of my own in our house for almost that long!  I love them but there does come a time when they are ready to move into adulthood.  Last month I took a poll on my personal Facebook of all my young adult friends.  I wanted to know what things about "adulting" did they feel the least prepared for after high school. 

The list they gave me reassured me that the things I want to cover with my daughter were extremely important and right on track!


From July 11th to 20th, there will be a new post each day of Day to Day Adventures (sometimes with a guide or checklist) that will help any mom, dad, aunt, grandma, or grandpa out there to guide their young adult in these areas.

10 days of real life lessons NOT learned in school

If you don't want to miss ANY of these posts, sign up to have them delivered directly to your inbox.  It's so easy to forget things.  Be smart and make it easy on yourself! 

THE BEST part of this series

10 Days of Tips for Homeschool Moms -

Also I will be participating with several other bloggers from the Homeschool Blogging Network in a 10 day series of Tips for Homeschool Moms.  (If you are a non Homeschooler don't let that scare you off because MANY of these topics will apply all moms!)   Each day the other participating bloggers will also have a new post on a wide variety of topics! 

last thing you don't want to miss





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