Day to Day Adventures

One step closer . . .


I miss my bathroom. This house has 2 baths, one on the main floor & one downstairs. We have remodeled the basement bath in 2008-09 and since then the upstairs one developed a leak.

Here is what we had to do--Rip it all out. Pretty sure Steve loves this part. That went really fast. It is just when we go to put it all back that we get bogged down. The wiring, plumbing & putting up the drywall were done in October & November. The holidays slowed us down but January meant mudding & taping. Steve has done a great job getting motivated this month.

Finally yesterday we cut the tile & got it all laid out. Then last night we mixed up the "mud" as we affectionately call it & got it stuck to the floor. In all it went well despite some distractions(children!). We planned to start early but Steve had to go to the clinic after b'fast. That was okay because it gave me a chance to start my White Chicken Chili in the crockpot. It tortured me all day to smell it cooking but it was awesome to not have to cook come 5 o'clock when I was wiped out.

This is what it looked like when we finished last night at 10:30. Now on to grout, paint, a vanity, oh and tiling the shower I guess comes first.