Oh how to manage LAUNDRY? My least favorite task is this never ending chore.
I’d rather mow the grass or shovel snow. At least that stays done for a while. Every time I turn around I find a dirty sock ora shirt that is shed when some one is hot.
Kids = Laundry
I don’t like having a bad attitude about this chore but how to make it more joyful? How to turn a chore in to a blessing? I do love having clean laundry when I need it but how to not feel like it is a heavy burden?
I needed a plan.
Laundry Plan!!
A very wise friend shared with me over a year ago how she keeps ahead of the accumulating loads. She has 8 kids, so she should know right?
Each child gets a day to do their laundry & at their house one other load—whites. She only buys white towels by the way.
We’ve arranged it a bit differently but it works for our family.
Monday—Mom & Dad
Wednesday—Joshua—yep my 8 year old does his own laundry
Friday—Mom & Dad
Weekends are reserved for if Michael brings his laundry home from college or if not then we don’t do any.
The kids share the whites/towels/sheets on Wed & Friday. It is part of the chores that they do.
When I couldn’t do the stairs they girls did my laundry as well.
They handled it wonderfully!
Benefits of having a Laundry System
- I love knowing that when they leave the house they will be able to handle their laundry.
- It is awesome to not have the entire responsibility of the family laundry on me. I don’t refer to the basement as the dungeon quite so often now!
- Each day the washer & dryer are empty. The load(s) are completed and there are no sour smelling clothes to deal with the next day.
- No blame. If my clothes aren't clean--well it's my own fault.
So that is how we roll with the laundry here.
How do you do keep Mount Washmore under control? I'd love to know!
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