Day to Day Adventures

Going to war on chaos by organizing the work room

LifeKim Brush6 Comments

It started off as normal day.  I got up.  Ate some breakfast.  Drank my tea. 

Then things got VERY messy.

After two years of not knowing where simple things are in my work room, I declared war.  I was going to win if it took all week.  Steve had left to go canoeing & camping with our younger two while Elizabeth and I held down the fort.  It left me with a lot of time to dedicate to this project.

Organizing the Workroom

Organizing the built in book shelves and closet in the work room was at the top of my list. 

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War on Chaos Organizing work room -

It really doesn't "look" bad in the pictures.  In reality everything was scattered & disorganized.  Very few things were living in logical places.  Note cards in the sewing machine.  Crock pot in school closet. Fabric in the basement.  Books in boxes.  We certainly were not utilizing the space wisely.   


  1. Like items together.  Scrapbook stuff in one place.  Sewing stuff together.  School books visible on shelves.  
  2. Our MANY books out of boxes and on shelves.
  3. Get rid of anything that doesn’t bring me joy or that I don’t need.

Pretty simple goals but they guided me as I sorted and replaced things after the big clean out.


I’ve been reading Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and it has helped me to analyze if something really brings me joy.  I have hung on to things for too long because I felt like I had to. 

I thought that the item might be important to someone later then I kept it.  Most of the time the person hasn’t looked at or asked for that item in years if not decades.  My oldest is married and graduated from college.  He certainly doesn’t need things from school or projects that we did when he was 12.  

I need to choose not to be nostalgic about school papers.  

They don’t deserve the square footage that I have been allowing them to take up.  Yes I will keep a FEW(very few) things that my kids might want but then I will give them the option of letting go of those things if they choose.  

I will not pass on clutter to my kids.  


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War on Chaos Organizing work room -

Shelves that hold 4 boxes of books, all my scrapbook supplies and albums, a closet that has school curriculum AND some EMPTY shelves for more items from the basement.

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War on Chaos Organizing work room -

From where I sit this room exudes peace.

War on Chaos Organizing work room -


After I was done with the cleaning out & putting back(which took 3 days by the way) my oldest and his family came for a visit.

We have a large living room & a great kitchen where we can all gather to fellowship. 

But the work room is a magnet. 

Kids read there.

In winter its where I get my dose of my vitamin D.

Dogs snooze there in the sun.

Now sewing & scrap booking can happen.

Its a room of dreams & sunshine.



During their visit, we kept going into the work room and sitting on the window seat or playing on the floor with Cecily.  The morning light is awesome for laying in but terrible for pictures. 

I think I need to rename the room.

Work room doesn’t fit.  It is the resting room. 

The peaceful room.  My favorite room.

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