Day to Day Adventures

Return to college(among other things)

Kim1 Comment

5 months ago I watched my oldest drive off to start classes at UMC.  There were tears.  My heart was breaking that he wouldn’t be around and things would CHANGE.


I was worried about how he would survive, sleep, study, eat etc. 

Things moms worry about.


Fast forward.  Today after a great Christmas break, mission trip to Mexico(he survived) and taking care of me for a week after surgery, Michael is packing up to move back across town to the Christian Campus House.  He’s stocking his pantry, buying books, growing a moustache(?).  Basically taking care of business.


I haven’t helped him.  Can’t.  I did cook up some great college freezer food for him.  But that is it!

He is doing so great.  His grades were good even with a challenging start.  He hasn’t changed—still a wonderful, caring, giving guy. 


I am so thankful for that.

So that is the start of my Top Ten Thankful List today.

1.   Michael being home on Christmas Break.

2.   God’s amazing plan for our bodies to heal.  I am one week out from surgery & things are going well.  Bruises are fading.  Stitches come out tomorrow. 

3.   The aches and pains are fading and I need less pain meds all the time.

4.  21 days left of crutches(sigh)

5.  My creative husband.  We were loaned crutches & they seriously were no fun for the first 3 days.  Muscles in your arms aren’t used to propelling your weight around.  Mine were SORE.  So hubby found a way to cushion the pads.  Thanks babe!  Fashionable too—green is my favorite color.


6.  Recheck appointment tomorrow.  Can I drive yet? please?  Not feeling trapped yet but I know it will come.

7.  Suzanne, my mother-in-law, who is also known as the chauffer.  She is available to take my kids to piano, clogging, library, etc especially now that Michael isn’t going to be available for running his siblings around.

8.  My chair & cozy blanket.  Enough said.  Glad I have crutches—just not sure I am thankful for them.


9.  Homeschooling.  We are easing back it to the routine.  We aren’t back up to full speed but it is good to provide a structure for our days.


10.  My girls & their willingness to get 3 meals a day on the table.  Cinnamon rolls(from the freezer) & scrambled eggs for b’fast, fried potatoes & ham for lunch, & tater tot casserole for supper.  They have handled it all.  They are doing a great job.


11.  Just for fun—all of you out there.  I am not stir crazy because I have had such fun reading blogs & enjoying the things people share.  Thanks!

Linked up at Grattituesday at Heavenly Homemakers

Top 10 Tuesday at oh amanda