Day to Day Adventures

Burning Brush & a Bonfire


We’ve been collecting brush. 


For several years.  The pile is wide & tall.


The family discussion is where to put more garden space and one solution is to get rid of the pile & in this area.

My oldest is a fire bug.  The little brother seems to enjoy it too. 

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They are so much a like.  I love that Michael teaches Joshua & is patient with all of his wiggly chattering.  Joshua adores time spent working on a project with his big brother.


Yesterday there was no wind so they were out early.  So they burned all morning.  But the fun began after supper. 


We had some friends coming over for a movie but we had a bonfire for a while and roasted s’mores!

Can some one explain to me why we’ve lived here 11 years ago and this is the first time that we’ve done this!  It was a fun way to enjoy the mild weather.

It was a truly fine way to enjoy a cool spring(almost) evening!
