Sitting and doing nothing is not a skill I possess.
I need a book. I need a project. With either of those & I can sit all day while working quietly. My kindle helps a lot with that. Been downloading free books!

It seems like in the past two months I’ve had to run out the door at a moments notice. Then when I get where I am going, then I just sit for hours waiting.
Hospital rooms, doctor visits, or sitting at chemotherapy with mom. They all have one thing in common. Time where I just sit and wait.
My solution to this is my bag. It has projects, snacks, paper, pen, gum, money & my Kindle. If I have this ready then I can grab my id, keys & I am ready for the day. It is sad when your life can be reduced to a bag. I use it for when I am running errands & dropping kid. I’m more patient if I have something to do.
My current project is a rug. I don’t really know why I love rugs so much.
I learned how to make a toothbrush rug at Silver Dollar City. It is a great kind of rug but I want a rectangle to go by my front door.

So I started a locker hook rug. I’ve made one of these before but not this big. There are a lot of great books & tutorials out there so I won’t be doing a step-by-step on this one. I will show my progress from time to time though. Currently I am about 1/3 done. The goal is to do 4 rows a day—some days I make it & some I don’t. (especially when I use the time after the kids go to sleep to blog)

Rugs seem to be what I can manage to make these days. I love quilts, cross stitch, and sewing but my rug is portable and doesn’t take a lot of concentration. Pick a color, do a row, pick another color, do a row. Not real challenging on the brain.
Elizabeth calls this rug “The Vegetable Soup Rug”
I think it is the colors. Fall colors. I will tell you the story behind the colors soon. My only attempt at frugalness lately. Not much couponing going on.
I will give a hint. Where can you find yards of fabric for cheap?