Day to Day Adventures

3 Ways to sell Homeschool Curriculum

HomeschoolKim Brush3 Comments
Home school hints & tips

We've been homeschooling for going on 18 years.  That is a CRAZY amount of time!!!! 

Now I love books, especially a few good history books but as we wrapped up the elementary grades & headed in to middle school & now high school well . . . . I need to start purging the curriculum and books that we will not need again. 

I'll tell you a secret. 

I have some great new shelves around a window seat that Steve built but I do not want them totally filled up with books!  My plan is to have my scrapbook supplies and fabric for sewing stashed in some fun Ikea boxes.  That way everything is handy when I get a few minutes of free time!

3 ways to sell homeschool curriculum -

1. Used Curriculum Sale at our local support group.  This spring I organized a sale by sending out a few emails to find out who was interested.  Lots of people had things to sell!  I'm hopeful that this will be come an annual event.


2. Use Facebook.  I found the most success here.  There are several groups that you can join to post your used curriculum and books.  I used Homeschool Curriculum Marketplace.  I'm sure there are others out there.  Just make sure to read the rules for each group before you post your curriculum.  Check the helpful hints below before you post on facebook!

3. Use Websites.  One is to sell books & one is to swap books.  Both have their uses.  .

online shop

Home School Classifieds--I used this when I need curriculum.  I've bought math, science and language arts curriculum on this website.  Just look through for what you want and contact the seller.  It is just as easy to list books.  Use the hints below to help you put your ad up.

Paper Back Swap--We read a lot!  Most books I'm after I can locate at our local library.  But if I cannot then I look here first.  I have listed books & swapped them for credits.  I can spend my credits to get a book someone else has listed.  Only money spent is on shipping.  Love this! 


I know that there are dozens of other websites out there.  These are two I've had success using.

Helpful Hints

  • Take pictures of the the books you want to sell.  
  • Look on Amazon for a description of your curriculum. 
  • Decide how much you want to sell it for.
  • Write a description(or copy the Amazon description)-
  • be detailed and honest about the shape your curriculum is in. 
  • Add on a few dollars for shipping(I just guessed)

Be sure to consider what kind of payment you will accept.  I accepted checks but I cashed them before I mailed the books.  Most people wanted to use Paypal and that worked great.  Remember when you list your books to add on the price of shipping.

One of my major organization goals this summer is to post more books & get them out of my house and on to someone else's shelves.  I will definitely be using Facebook & Home School Classifieds to make this happen.

What ways have you sold home school curriculum?  I'd love to try some new methods!

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