Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the week vol 11

Kim Brush3 Comments

A quick list this week!  Are you counting your blessings?  Share them in the comments!

1.  Abundance

I made a decision at the beginning of October to clean out the pantry and freezers as much as we could.  The 80 pounds of chicken coming in November was the main motivation.  That and the fact that I think we could live off the food in our house for several months.  It was past time for some cleaning out.

Blessings -

2.  Second Opinions

This week I saw a second orthopedic doctor for my bum hip.  While I didn’t like what he had to say, I am so thankful that God led us to seek another opinion and that we were able to get in so quickly.  

3.  Tomatoes

I admit that this is a struggle to be thankful for today.  My plants are still producing and I’m so done with harvesting.  But I know I will be glad I have them stored this winter and into the spring.  Taco soup, beef stew, swiss steak, chili, etc are all in our future.

4.  Growth

Yesterday I took Megan to practice parallel parking.  She nailed it.  It amazes me daily how our kids grow and master skills that make them more independent. 

From crawling, to walking, to reading, to driving.  It makes me scared and excited all at the same time.

5.  Candles

My girls have been scenting our house lately by burning candles.  It changes the atmosphere of the whole house.  It's good since we've had our windows shut more since it so cool out.

6.  Progress & flexibility

Despite being gone a bunch for doctor appointments this week, the home school work has gone on.  Slow steady progress is good since we are looking at taking a longer Christmas break than I planned for in August.  

Blessings -

7.  Season change

Everything is shifting from the rapid growth and harvest of spring & summer.  I can feel the sunshine starting to fade and that causes me to feel my yearly “Autumn Anxiety.” 

8.  Dairy Free & Gluten Free foods

We’ve shifted our eating since Elizabeth is home and has different diet needs from the rest of the family.  We’ve tried some new and interesting recipes the past two weeks.  She misses cheese so we’ve tried some alternatives that while weird are not all bad.

9.  Pain Meds

Between the bum hip and Elizabeth's Fibromyalgia pain, we definitely are thankful for pain medicine. 

10.  Anticipation

Michael, Rebekah and Cecily are coming to visit tonight.  We just can’t get enough of seeing them. I’m glad they only live 2 hours away.  Also there are more BIG things coming in the near future.  I’m trying to anticipate them and not dread them.

Blessings -

After I finished this list, I realized that many of theses things are HARD to be joy-filled about.  Many of them are actually complaints but by looking for blessings in life I saw many them in a joyful way.  

Funny how that works.  What are you thankful for this week?

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