New beginnings at the New Year
A year ago I felt like I was so STUCK in a place I didn’t want to be but I was limited by my physical ability to walk, bend and the stamina that I did NOT have. It was so frustrating but I also had a sense that I was ready to get started on a lot of things and that led me to choose PROGRESS as my word for 2016. It proved to be very appropriate and I made huge progress on walking, balance, taking the stairs and flexibility, plus more fun things like crafts and gardening. For 2017, I am looking forward to lots of opportunities for beginning new things. That doesn’t mean I want to abandon the progress I’ve made but the feeling that NEW stuff is right around the corner is really strong.
Sweet honey! We love it around here.
By purchasing it locally from the Amish that live just north of us we get a better deal and take advantage of the health benefits of using honey instead of sugar.
Is thick honey bad?
In December the honey I got was not a golden brown but a much lighter color. Once I got it home I realized that the honey wasn’t easy to pour and would need to be decrystallized.
I love to sit in my chair each morning with a mug of tea and sip it slowly until I'm really awake. Then I check my email, Facebook, etc etc
Then BAM it is 10 o’clock and I have done nothing & still need a shower. Not the best way to start my morning.
There are just somethings you don’t want to know when you are headed in to major surgery.
Like HOW they are going to replace the joint. I just didn't think about it. I like living in my own little imaginary world.
So everyone this time of year seems to be claiming a “word of the year.”
This always seems slightly presumptuous to me.
How do I know what this year will hold?
Anyone else with me here?
Seriously we can plan it but will it happen?