I have found in the past few days that when all you can do is sit then you start to think. . .
then you start making PLANS
for when you WILL be able to get up and do stuff.
Right now about all I can do is homeschool basics(math, science, English, spelling). So I am planning to chug through quite a bit of our lessons(and maybe catch up a bit from our time off) in the next 3 weeks.
January & February are always FULL of school – because we cannot be outside much. I take that back we are inside because I don’t like the cold we just don’t go outside much. We get more school done when Mommy isn’t distracted by the nice weather out the window.
Today I am planning our History for the next few weeks. This is a bit more complicated by the fact that I am not sure when I will be able to drive again(arg) and make it to the library. So I need to get some books on hold for errand boy dear hubby to pick up on his lunch hours. He is sweet that way.
Saving money on school books
We save a TON of money by utilizing our nearby libraries. Our local(15 minutes away) library is pretty good but doesn’t always carry biographies that we want or older books. So we make a trip to our state capital’s city library(30 minutes away) to get books from that more conservative(yeah!) library. This keeps me from blowing my curriculum budget on just books. That way we can have science projects and math books too—although some would rather just buy books.
I admit it I am raising bookworms. Hmmmm I wonder where they got that trait from(wink).
So they like that the majority of our History lessons involve a book. Not a text book but a fiction book that masterfully weaves the history in to a story.
Love the sound of that?
Well starting next week I will be posting our plans for reading for the next week—and a write up about the books we are reading. Mostly about History but not always. This is an effort keep me honest & accountable. We often get lost in books & don’t keep on track. I need the push of posting it here.
I am hoping to host a link up about making plans—my first—not just about books either. Advice on that is sure welcome!
But for this week . . .what are you making lists and planning for in the next few weeks coming up?
For more Money Saving Monday tips to to Family Friendly Frugality