I hate throwing food away. Especially when it has slid to the back of the refrigerator & been forgotten.
Mushrooms often are that way around here. We open a package and use 4-5 and then the rest well when I find them a week later they just go in the trash. I HATE that because it feels like I am throwing $ in the trash. Which in a way I guess I am.
My brilliant hubby read the package of the mushrooms(I swear I’ve never seen this) and it said to put the unused mushrooms in a paper bag in the frig.
He did that & told me about it later. Then I promptly forgot about them. When I went to make a recipe that needed a few mushrooms I stomped my food & said “I bet those are BAD!” Frustrated I opened the bag and WOW they were fine! A little dried out and wrinkly but not slimy and bruised as they are usually in the blue container they come home in.
So I am not out to save the world just trying to save a few bucks & mushrooms along the way. Do you have any cool tricks to share on how to keep food fresh a bit longer?