Well I was going to share how my garden was doing today. I seriously considered not doing that because it is really been an yucky week.
10 Days Ago
Hay in place and ground is ready for plants!
The deep mulch of hay on the garden to keep the weeds from getting out of hand was in place. We were ready to plant tomatoes & peppers! I got most of them in the ground. I knew it was going to rain so that seemed like a great thing to have gotten done!
And then it started raining . . . .and it really never stopped.
This weekend
See my sad little tomato plants? They don't like their feet so wet.
I started to dig canals to direct the water away from the plants.
Did I mention I planted 30 tomato plants???
Yeah I ran out of steam before I was done. Steve helped and then Joshua helped to finish it up.
I think he actually had a blast playing in the mud.
So far this week things are drying out! I can't wait to see some sunshine again and be able to plant the rest of the plants & seeds for our Garden Plan for 2015.
**Update on August 1** The canals saved the tomatoes! We have green plants and lots of little green tomatoes. I think we are 2-3 weeks behind "schedule" which means the harvest is coming! I'm just glad the plants survived the "flood"
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