So many Projects, so little time aka Week 3 of #the100dayproject — Day to Day Adventures

Day to Day Adventures

So many Projects, so little time aka Week 3 of #the100dayproject

CraftsKim BrushComment

Time for creativity every day makes me SO happy. It is week 3 of #the100dayproject. This week was all over the board.  Rug making, vinyl projects, crocheting projects!

Sometimes my projects are gifts and sometimes they are for a post on the blog. 

But often they are just for my sanity. Who else does crafts to keep yourself from going crazy? It's my daily self-care. Even if it is only for 15 minutes--it works.

The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3

Want to know what The 100 Day Project is?

The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3

Go check out last weeks post to get all the details and see what project I FINISHED.  

Or hop over to Instagram and search for #daytoday100 Instagram a great place to connect with others on social media.  The @daytodayadventures Instagram feed is totally “real life”. Make sure you follow it to see my adventures as a mom and all the behind the scene stuff!


Week 3 Progress on #the100dayproject


The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3
The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3
The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3
The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3

Remember each week over the next 100 days I will be updating my progress on Friday or Saturday with a blog post. I really am loving the accountability and motivation!

***If you would like to be alerted when the post comes out each week then make sure to sign up for my newsletter below! It’s (mostly) a weekly newsletter but when time gets busy sometimes I skip a few weeks. Plus you get access to my free printable library.***

The 100 Day Project for Creatives week 3

I’d love to know if you are participating in this project and what you are going to focus on!  Leave a comment here or hop over to Instagram and comment there!

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