The days are busy.
School work activities and housework. That is what life looks like right now. Some days I wake up already feeling overwhelmed.
Too many to-dos and not enough energy. Sometimes I don't know how to turn off my brain. I want to relax but there are just too many things buzzing around in there. Reading is my escape.
Wouldn't it be nice to have life go along smoothly and for there to never be any bumps or situations for us to deal with?
Well . . . . life just doesn't work that way.
Learning is a HUGE part of our everyday life. I'm pretty sure that deciding to homeschool has probably been the biggest adventure that I've ever taken. However, after 18 years of homeschooling I have learned a few things.
In 2010, I wrote up instructions and took pictures of how I make a rug for a series on Day to Day Adventures. That series has been extremely popular
So I took all the posts in that series plus some new information and Rags to Rugs was born.
I've added more details and even filmed a video recently about how to join fabric without sewing. All of it was a fun new adventure with helping others to create rag rugs.
Happiness doesn't just happen. You have to CHASE it!
Joy and happiness are close cousins! So I'm taking the happiness dareAre you looking for your happiness?